How to Perfect Your Video Marketing Campaign

How to Perfect Your Video Marketing Campaign

Learn how to start with the video marketing process and make it a perfect video marketing campaign. Keep scrolling!

As a savvy marketer, are you ready to take charge of the Video marketing process

If the answer is yes, rest assured as videos are not just on YouTube, but they dominate the whole internet. In fact, 4 of the top 6 channels worldwide consumers use to watch the videos on social media channels. 

Video is becoming progressively essential to any digital marketing strategy. 

Suppose you are still not taking action for your next video marketing campaign. In that case, you may need to know that 10 billion people watch the videos on Snapchat and 500 million people watch the videos every day on Facebook, which is not surprising, right? 

The reason is simple, as video content is the easiest to consume. 

There is only one slight issue: when you don’t know what you are doing, video marketing can be one of the problematic content types. 

Suppose you are a beginner working with video marketing. 

In that case, you will quickly find out that it is not easy to make a high-quality video that engages the audience, drives traffic, and converts the leads. 

However, if you have a learning mindset, there is nothing which you can’t do. 

I have seen many marketers who have updated their profiles from conventional marketers to digital marketers, so why can’t you do the conversion? 

Most importantly, you understand that video marketing for business is the future and present of digital marketing, which is the most vital step you’ve taken already. 

Now, let’s learn how you can take your next or first video marketing campaign to the next level by following the below steps; but first, you must know the power of video marketing.

The Power of Video Marketing for Business

Marketing helps you understand what consumers really want to hear from you regarding your products and services.  

Videos are consumers’ favorite content that is easily digestible, so they always expect more from the video content. 

Indeed this makes sense to me as I have come across this quote that portrays video marketing effectiveness.

Facebook’s engineering director Srinivas Narayanan said:

“If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is a library.”

The power of video marketing doesn’t stop here. Let’s have some video empowering stats! 

Several studies reveal that using a video on the landing pages can enhance the conversions by 80%. 

When the word video is stated in the email subject line, it can increase its opening rates by 19%.

Ninety percent of the consumers reported that video helps them make buying decisions, while 64% say that seeing a video makes them buy more. 

Let me boost your confidence as a marketer by giving these stats!

53% of the marketers reported that video marketing helps them to raise awareness about their campaign. 

52% of marketers believe that video helps them to develop trust with their potential customers. 

49% of marketers say that the videos help them engage their audience. 

I am sure from the above stats you are feeling motivated to do an innovative video marketing campaign. 

Video marketing for business is good for entertaining and capturing attention; it’s also an all-in-one marketing tool that can lead consumers through the sales funnel.

 In other words, video marketing is not something businesses infrequently do to increase brand awareness. 

In a nutshell, videos are a powerful and engaging medium that is accessible for every business size. 

Video Marketing Vs. Video Advertising

I have done countless commercial video shoots and video advertisements for reputable brands. But most of the time, marketers are often confused between these two terms. 

Video marketing and video advertising are often the same, but they don’t essentially refer to the same thing. Let me tell you why.

The video-based advertisement is actually the paid version of video marketing. 

When you invest in showing a marketing video in front of a massive audience, it becomes a video ad or video advertisement. 

This can include anything from YouTube ads or social media ad or even television commercial videos. 

In short, video advertising is an element of video marketing and just a video marketing one form. 

How to Start with the Video Marketing Process? 

I am sure you are now ready to take the video marketing campaign’s roller-coaster ride, but how will you do that? 

Let me give you quick steps you can follow to make a foolproof video marketing process!

Understand Your Target Audience and Set goals

As a professional commercial videographer, I have seen successful marketers start their campaigns with powerful research. 

This research includes who you are targeting and what type of content you should create that resonates with them? What channels do they use widely?

To make your video marketing campaign successful, make excellent video marketing content and see the goals you are trying to spread with your campaign. 

Think are you trying to drive sales, awareness, or both? 

To capitalize on your video marketing campaign, make sure you use the right message and tone to reach them.

It’s highly recommendable to spend some time collecting the consumer insights before launching your video because they’ll surely guide you on what type of video to produce and how much money to spend.

Create Brand awareness while Conveying your Message Across

Video marketing seems like a departure from the other types of content or revitalizing the branding while ensuring that consumers watch your videos. 

Research by the Mckinsey’sMckinsey’s that companies with consistent branding are 20% more successful than those without them. 

For example, if your videos are on social media or YouTube, they should be linked to your landing pages or site with clear messaging and on-brand creativity that’s combined across each channel. 

Also, try to create the same message across all the mediums to make a consistent reflection of the brand to make your video marketing campaign successful. 

Make sure You have Set the Video Budget

Few marketers make a mistake thinking that investing a ton of money into the video project will already make it a huge success. 

Contrary to that, not spending enough on your video marketing process could hurt your brand image leading to the messaging come across as low quality. 

Keep your campaign goals in mind when making the video content and set the budget accordingly.

For example, if you target Gen Z or Millennials, you can consider producing short videos for social media like Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram. If you have a comfortable budget and want to take your brand to the top, consider telling a captivating story. 

Target Each Channel and Optimize your Videos 

Depending on the channels you chose to launch your campaigns, you need to make sure your videos are SEO optimized to get as much engagement as possible. 

For example, for Facebook, keep your videos short by uploading the video directly and adding captions. 

For YouTube, this means waiting for 2 weeks after the video launches so you can refine your target audience and make further tweaks in the content. 

However, optimizing the video for Twitter means finding the balance between the hashtags and fine-tuned targeting.

Test, Test, and Test!

Marketers always do the A/B testing for the campaigns to determine what elements of a campaign are working and what are not working. 

In the video marketing process, this testing method may not be effective. So, make sure you test and test again to figure out the best content of your video campaign’s suitable timing. 

5 top ways to measure your campaign success:

Make sure you are measuring your engagement rate, which means seeing how much time your target audience spend on the video or did they watch the whole thing?

Ensure you are counting your video views, as it’ll give you insight into how you are performing in terms of the campaign.

Count the play rate of the video, which means how many times your video has been played.

See the video’s social sharing as how many times it has been shared on social media by the viewers. 

If your audience is leaving the comments and, on your video, and giving you feedback, this means they are into your content. 

Final Thoughts

If the content is king, the video is queen. The queen knows how to hold the king properly. 

If you want to be a fortunate digital marketer in this disrupted era, jokes apart … try to make videos not just occasionally but regularly. 

Making video marketing campaigns a success is quite tricky, but you can do it rightly and perfectly with professional help.

Thanks for reading “How to Perfect Your Video Marketing Campaign?” 

If you want to make commercial videos in Savannah to grow your business through Video Marketing Campaigns, you can Book a call with me. We are here to help!
